Many vacancies for Nurses & Midwives in UK Govt Hospitals. Attend interview at our office face to face / Skype Interview

Many vacancies for Nurses & Midwives in UK Govt Hospitals. Attend interview at our office face to face / Skype Interview

Many vacancies for Nurses & Midwives in UK Govt Hospitals. Attend interview at our office face to face / Skype Interview


Note: No fees for recruitment



i) Minimum 1yr of Nursing professional experience after registration,

ii) IELTS Score minimum score of 7.0 in each of the four modules (speaking, listening, reading and writing), and an overall band 7.0


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Aliquam accumsan vel nibh nec tempor. Vivamus at condimentum metus. Vivamus porttitor, ligula vitae lacinia tempor, justo dolor facilisis felis, in faucibus nisi orci a mi. Pellentesque vel dolor felis. Duis venenatis fringilla nisi quis accumsan. Pellentesque eu semper ipsum, ac ornare magna. Suspendisse laoreet cursus nisl.

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